biblical interpretation
Two Future Trends in Biblical Scholarship
Dr. Paul Raabe explores the current trends in biblical scholarship and how the church should respond. “The next generation of biblical scholars is not doing…
An Experiment in Reading Texts
“Jesus” said . . . What do your ears hear?
How to (Not) Read the Bible
We have met the enemy, and he is us
Hermeneutics Down Under
Lutheran Church of Australia “Theological Hermeneutics Symposium,” Oct 13-15
The Bible, Biblicism, and Lutheran Perspectives
Time to put on your thinking caps (comments)
Interpreting the Historical Books, Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis series, by Robert B. Chisholm, Jr
INTERPRETING THE HISTORICAL BOOKS, Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis series, vol. 1. By Robert B. Chisholm, Jr. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2006. 232 pages. Paper. $19.99.…
Jews and the Death of Jesus: Reading Matthew 27:25 by David Lewis
“His Blood Be on Us and our Children!”: Joseph Ratzinger on Matthew 27:25
The Pope’s New Teaching on Jews and the Death of Jesus: A Response from Jim Voelz
“Jews and the Death of Jesus: Thoughts as It Becomes an Issue Once Again” by Dr. James W. Voelz