Jews and the Death of Jesus: Reading Matthew 27:25 by David Lewis
“His Blood Be on Us and our Children!”: Joseph Ratzinger on Matthew 27:25
On churches, ladders, and living in community
I drive passed it every morning and evening to and from work. First Presbyterian Church in University City currently displays a massive sculpture of ladders…
Bible is focus of Concordia Seminary’s upcoming symposium
Stephen Fowl “Scripture in the Church: Formative or Formality?” is the title of the 21st annual Theological Symposium, to be held Sept. 21-22 on the…
Burning Coals and Korans
What to do with enemies?
Christwire: “The Onion” for Christians? has become a popular Web site for news and reporting with an ultraconservative Christian slant. And it’s all one big joke. I have to…
“Ragman” now available on DVD
A little over a year ago, I wrote here about the premiere of the short film “Ragman.” Now, with over 25 international film festivals on…
Looking for a summer read? The American Mind Meets the Mind of Christ
…is the title of the newest book from the Concordia Seminary Press. The American Mind Meets the Mind of Christ is a collection of essays…
World War I, the Supreme Court, and a cross in the Mojave desert: what does this mean?
So, I’ll pick up a hot potato: In what seems like it is becoming a typical 5-to-4 decision last week , the Supreme Court decided…
How one seminary celebrated Earth Day
Getting ready to plant 75 trees at Concordia Seminary. Credit: Diane Meyer/Respublica “Christ is risen! Christ will come again! Let’s go plant some trees!” Which…