Holy Trinity • John 8:48–59 • May 22, 2016
By Charles Arand “I Am” Your Creator and Redeemer This is one of the better-known passages in John and is a favorite passage for many…
Christ, creation, redemption focus of Winter 2016 Lay Bible Institute
Chuck Arand will present “In Awesome Wonder: Finding Our Place in God’s Creation” on February 6, 2016.
Every Living Thing
A new statement on the “responsible care” of God’s creation.
Pope Francis and Our Common Home
In light of Pope Francis’ recent visit to the United States, a few thoughts on his first encyclical.
Summer workshops offered across the country
Concordia Seminary faculty and staff are hitting the road for summer workshops on a wide variety of timely, contemporary topics. Check the schedule to find…
Caring for Youth who Care about Creation
Lutheran youth really care about the environment. What does this mean for the Lutheran church?
A View of the Gospel From Saturn
A few weeks ago, the Cassini spacecraft flew by Saturn. As it did so, it turned its cameras back toward earth and and snapped pictures…
Theological Symposium – Sept 24-25, 2013
“From the Creation to the New Creation” will feature main presenters David Schmitt, Jeff Gibbs, Charles Arand, and Paul Raabe. This year’s Symposium will include…
The Psalms and Life in God’s Creation
This series, “The Psalms and Life in God’s Creation ” is presented in five video vignettes. The first four videos feature discussion of the text…