Erik Herrmann
Lent 2 • John 3:1–17 • March 20, 2011
By Erik Herrmann “For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified…” It was because of the signs that Nicodemus came…
Lent 4 · Isaiah 12:1-6 · March 14, 2010
By Erik Herrmann There is some stiff competition in the lectionary with our Old Testament lesson for this Fourth Week in Lent. The Epistle reading…
Easter 4 · John 10:11-18 · May 3, 2009
By Erik Herrmann The Good Shepherd. It’s such a well-known image. It seems to be relevant in every age—from the earliest times in the catacombs…
Easter 5 · 1 Peter 2:2-10 · April 20, 2008
By Erik Herrmann, Easter is the start of something new: the resurrection of Jesus is the dawn of new creation. As Carl Michaelson puts it, Jesus…
Lent 1 · Romans 5:12-19 · February 10, 2008
By Erik Herrmann, With Lent’s traditional emphasis on repentance and self-denial, the season runs the risk of turning one inward. That is to say, the danger…