Anselm, friendship, and “how we think about God”

Anselm, friendship, and “how we think about God”

Anselm of Canterbury, under glass Feed your inner philosopher by checking out this column by Nathan Schneider on the “Happy Days” blog at the NY Times. If you want to go further outside the box, check out the provocative religion blog that Schneider edits: Killing the Buddha . Anselm of Canterbury was the eleventh century philosopher and theologian who famously articulated what we now know as his ‘ontological’ proof for God

Call no man happy until he is dead.

Call no man happy until he is dead.

Simon Critchley, in action Philosopher Simon Critchley writes a thought-provoking reflection on happiness on the”Happy Days” blog on . The ancient Greek proverb above is his launching point into thinking about happiness, death, and the prospect of an afterlife