Jan Hus: 600 Years a Martyr
Today, July 6, 2015, marks 600 years since Jan Hus, theologian and reformer from Prague, was put to death at the decree of the…
Insult of the Month
Keeping up with your languages doesn’t have to be tedious. Many regular readers of already know and use tools for maintaining the edge on…
Tchividjian will put spotlight on Luther’s legacy in American Christianity
Tullian Tchividjian will speak at 7:00pm CST on March 19, 2015, in Werner Auditorium at Concordia Seminary. Free and open to the public. Available online…
Pro Re Theologica et Salute Fratrum: Luther as Reformer of Pastoral Care
Another Reformation Day has come and gone. Each year the day gives us occasion to reflect on the significance of the upheavals of the Sixteenth…
Cranach: Luther’s Painter
No particular anniversary of Lucas Cranach is near on the horizon, but since Steven Ozment will soon be at the Seminary to lecture on “How…
Oxford Handbook of Martin Luther’s Theology Appears
Oxford University Press has published (April 2014) The Oxford Handbook of Martin Luther’s Theology, in its series of “Handbooks” to aid study of a wide…
Luther, Laity, and … Lego
A review of the Lego Movie as embodiment of Reformation theology….
Luther, and Lutherans, among the Calvinists
Pastor Christopher Jackson, on life among Baptists.
Discipleship in the Lutheran Tradition
Robert Kolb provides a sweeping overview of how Lutherans have conceived of and acted out “discipleship,” from the 16th century to today.