6th Sunday After Pentecost
Get ready for the 6th Sunday After Pentecost with this discussion on the lectionary texts from the books of Zechariah, Romans and Matthew.
5th Sunday After Pentecost
Get ready for the 5th Sunday After Pentecost (July 2, 2023) with this discussion on the lectionary texts from the books of Jeremiah, Romans and…
4th Sunday After Pentecost
Get ready for June 25, the fourth Sunday after Pentecost with this discussion on the lectionary texts from the books of Jeremiah, Romans, and Matthew.
A study in juxtapositions: youth and the church
See more here: A study in juxtapositions: youth and the church
Are Lutherans Evangelicals?
What is Lutheran?
New Book: Seventeenth Century Lutheran Meditations and Hymns
The full preface to the book, written by Robert Kolb
Earth Day: together with all creatures
I blog elsewhere about the adventures (and misadventures) of trying my hand with a small hobby farm. Most of the time, the joys and struggles of…
Worship, Gottesdienst, Cultus Dei, by James L. Brauer
Timothy Maschke reviews WORSHIP, GOTTESDIENST, CULTUS DEI: What the Lutheran Confessions Say About Worship. By James L. Brauer, editor. St. Louis: Concordia, 2005. 304 pages.…
God Words: Intro to Classic Christian Theology, by Terry Dittmer, et al.
Timothy Maschke reviews GOD WORDS: Intro to Classic Christian Theology. By Terry Dittmer, John Johnson, David Lumpp, Paul Raabe, William Weinrich and Dean Wenthe. St.…