Concordia Journal Fall 2024
Browse the interactive version above or download this issue as a pdf. The full catalog of back issues of the Concordia Journal (1975-present), along with the…
“Of Good Comfort” Martin Luther’s Letters to the Depressed
This video conversation takes a fresh look at Luther’s counseling experience and what it shows us about the necessity of soul care.
“And they will all be taught of God”: Martin Luther’s Biblical Translation at 500
It is now 500 years since Luther’s translation of the New Testament first appeared. It is no exaggeration or hyperbole to praise Luther’s German Bible…
Christ Centered Counseling … and Justification
Rick Marrs talks with David Loy about the connections between Christian counseling, justification, and the distinction between law and gospel.
“One Shepherd, Jesus Christ”
Concordia Seminary President Thomas Egger’s sermon for Call Day 2021.
Book Blurbs: Festschrift for Mark Seifrid
A wide-ranging conversation inspired by the collection of essays to honor beloved New Testament scholar Mark Seifrid.
Ph.D. Dissertations, 2021
Summaries of the original research of this year’s PhD graduates of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
ICYMI: Kolb on Luther’s Theology
Logos recently interviewed Robert Kolb about his work editing The Oxford Handbook of Martin Luther’s Theology.
Martin Luther’s Stand at Worms, Uncut
Erik Herrmann marks the 500th anniversary of Luther’s most famous speech by introducing a new “director’s cut” of the scene from a recent film.