Paul Raabe
Innocent Suffering: A Lenten Thought
In the piety of Lenten self-reflection, the confession of our sin holds a prominent place. Especially for Lutherans who recognize that, as simul iustus et peccator, our…
Palm Sunday • Philippians 2:5–11 • March 24, 2013
By Paul R. Raabe The epistle lesson for the Sixth Sunday in Lent/Palm Sunday (series C) is the famous Carmen Christi of Philippians 2:5–11. Because…
Lent 4 • Numbers 21:4–9 • March 18, 2012
By Paul R. Raabe Numbers 21:4–9 is the appointed Old Testament lesson for Lent 4 in series B, where it is paired with John 3:14–21…
“Son of Man” in the Gospels: A Faculty Discussion
Who is the son of man?
On suffering, the Bible, and preaching – Part 1
In connection with the Winter 2011 CONCORDIA JOURNAL and the Seminary’s partnership with Lutheran World Relief, a collection of writings by past and present Concordia…
Lent 4 • John 9:1–41 • April 3, 2011
By Paul Raabe John 9 is the appointed gospel lesson for the Fourth Sunday in Lent (Series A). The appointed Old Testament lesson works well…
Historical For You, Not Wishful Thinking – An Easter Devotion
Acts 10:40-41 A Devotion for Easter Season 2010 Paul R. Raabe “This one God raised on the third day and gave him to become manifest,…
When *I* was a seminary student . . .
Does learning theology happen by transmitting information?