reformation 500
Erik Herrmann on making “Martin Luther”
Prof. Herrmann served as a historical consultant for the forthcoming movie “Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World.”
My Greatest Hope for the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation
Is it time for a new ecumenical creed?
Winter Lay Bible Institute set for Feb. 4, 2017
One-day class with Prof. Erik Herrmann to examine the lasting impact of Martin Luther.
Reformation Day • John 8:31–36 • October 30, 2016
By Travis J. Scholl Commemorating the sixteenth-century events that came to be called the Protestant Reformation is more complicated than it used to be. Triumphalism—a certain…
Luther’s Hymn Melodies
Concordia Seminary Professor Emeritus James Brauer provides a comprehensive study of how Luther used tunes in Reformation hymnody.