In Memoriam: David P. Daniel
Remembering David Daniel, one-time Concordia Seminary professor and longtime scholar and educator in central/eastern Europe.
ICYMI: Kolb on Luther and Pandemic
Robert Kolb talks about Martin Luther in light of the current pandemic.
ICYMI: Credo Podcast with Bob Kolb
“Will the Real Luther Please Stand Up?”
Videos from the 2017 Theological Symposium
Plenaries and a couple sectionals from the 2017 Symposium on justification.
ICYMI: New Provost Douglas Rutt’s keynote in Indonesia
…where he spoke on the Reformation to 4,500 people.
Reformation 500 Service Meditations
Peter Nafzger, Leo Sanchez, Erik Herrmann, and Dale Meyer reflect on four “solas” of the Reformation.
ICYMI: More Kolb on the Reformation
Specifically, the theology of the church.
The Reformation … on Your Coffee Table
A look back, and a look forward, at what this Reformation anniversary is bringing us.
Is the Goal To Be “Distinctively Lutheran”?
The problem with a slogan.