Robert Kolb
Discipleship in the Lutheran Tradition
Robert Kolb provides a sweeping overview of how Lutherans have conceived of and acted out “discipleship,” from the 16th century to today.
Robert Kolb’s “Luther and the Stories of God”
Hot off the press…Bob Kolb discusses his latest book, “Luther and the Stories of God,” with Erik Herrmann.
With One Accord
Dragged along by the Spirit through Acts
Lent 3 • Exodus 20:1–17 • March 11, 2012
By Robert Kolb Introduction What do we do with the law of God? That is a question critical for human life since God’s law gives…
New Book: Seventeenth Century Lutheran Meditations and Hymns
The full preface to the book, written by Robert Kolb
New Book on the History and Theology of the Formula of Concord
And soon, another on the Creeds and the other Lutheran Confessions
“Luther’s Recollections of Erfurt. The Use of Anecdotes for the Edification of His Hearers”
New article from Dr. Robert Kolb
Fall 2011 CONCORDIA JOURNAL sneak peek
Highlights from the Fall 2011 issue of CONCORDIA JOURNAL, due out in early November.
Concordia Historical Institute to host Muehlenberg exhibit – April 26-May 20, 2011
Concordia Historical Institute, in cooperation with Concordia Seminary, will host a special exhibit on Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, April 26-May 20, 2011, at CHI museum on…