sermon preparation
4th Sunday After Pentecost
Get ready for June 25, the fourth Sunday after Pentecost with this discussion on the lectionary texts from the books of Jeremiah, Romans, and Matthew.
3rd Sunday After Pentecost
Get ready for June 18th, the third Sunday after Pentecost with this discussion on the lectionary texts from the books of Hosea, Romans, and Matthew.
Each week Jessica Bordeleau hosts professors of homiletics Dr. Peter Nafzger and Dr. David Schmitt in a discussion about the lectionary texts for the upcoming…
Preachers Studio: Todd Jones
As the campus gears up for Call Day, Todd Jones discusses his sermon from the SMP call service with David Schmitt.
Preaching: Taking the Scriptures Seriously
If Law and Gospel is to truly be at the heart of preaching, then it calls for more than a boilerplate Law-then-Gospel structure.