
  • A View of the Gospel From Saturn

    A View of the Gospel From Saturn

    A few weeks ago, the Cassini spacecraft flew by Saturn. As it did so, it turned its cameras back toward earth and and snapped pictures…

  • Whooping Cranes

    Peter Mathieson, in his book, Birds of Heaven, made the comment that one “one way to grasp the main perspectives of environment and biodiversity is…

  • NYG-New Orleans

    NYG-New Orleans

    This week I attended my first ever National Youth Gathering in New Orleans. I was impressed with the dedication and enthusiasm of those who played…

  • Craniac Haven!

    Craniac Haven!

    I grew up in Wisconsin but never realized all that was there. I didn’t know that it was home to Aldo Leopold (didn’t know who…

  • Oil Disaster—What Might We Learn?

    Oil Disaster—What Might We Learn?

    I’ve been thinking about the meaning or lessons to be drawn from the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Many others have as…

  • Life Abundant

    Life Abundant

    One of my favorite quotes comes from Wendell Berry (not surprisingly). In commenting on the nature of the abundant life, he makes the statement that material…

  • This is Too Cool!

    Maybe it’s a guy thing. Maybe its a childhood memory thing. Maybe its a Robinson Crusoe thing (or was it the Disney version, namely, the…

  • A Groaning Creation…

    A Groaning Creation…

    On Easter, we Christians celebrated the bursting forth of the new creation in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The restoration of creation has begun with…

  • Budding Birder

    Budding Birder

    How about that! I actually saw a cerulean warbler. But it wouldn’t have happened without some help. At Lost Valley Trail in Weldon Spring, MO,…