William Schumacher
Easter 7 • John 17:1–11 • June 5, 2011
By William W. Schumacher In the Heidelberg Disputation (1518), Martin Luther drew a stark contrast between a “theologian of glory” and a “theologian of the cross,”…
Science: “Just” a Matter of Faith?
“Our imagination is stretched to the utmost”
Food for theological reflection
“Food is supposed to be sacred, not fast.”
Msafiri: Ethiopia
Africa messes with your head.
Msafiri: Uganda
Lira is not a big town, not an important place by most measures. It’s not on the way to anywhere most people want to go…
Concordia Journal Currents December 2010 – Dr. Makito Masaki
In this edition of Concordia Journal Currents, Dr. William Schumacher speaks with the President of Kobe Lutheran Theological Seminary in Japan, Dr. Makito Masaki.
Christmas 2 • Luke 2:40–52 • January 2, 2011
by William W. Schumacher So soon after the sometimes sentimental scenes of the infant Jesus we cherish at Christmas, this unique account of Jesus as…
Concordia Journal Currents – October 2010
Following up on the Summer Concordia Journal’s focus on our care of creation, an interview with Dr. Charles Arand…and a special tour of Concordia Seminary’s…
Proper 23 • Ruth 1:1–19a • October 10, 2010
by William W. Schumacher Perhaps the first, obvious thing to say about this text from Ruth is that if we read it in its context…