2011 Theological Symposium: Rediscovering the Art of Preaching

David Schmitt

“Rediscovering the Art of Preaching” was the title of the 22nd Annual Theological Symposium, held September 20-21, 2011, on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. The main presenters for the event were Dean Nadasdy, Dale Meyer, David Schmitt, and Glenn Nielsen. Sectional presenters included Seminary faculty members David Maxwell, David Peter, Tony Cook, Glenn Nielsen, David Schmitt, and Jeffrey Gibbs. Additional sectional presenters include David Coe, Justin Rossow, and Ed Grimenstein.

While the heart of preaching is familiar conversation for Lutherans, the art of preaching may be a bit stranger speech. Richard Caemmerer’s Preaching for the Church was published in 1959 and, in many ways, has shaped our discussion of preaching ever since. But much has changed since then, both in the world and in homiletics. The discipline of homiletics has grown, interacting with various cultural settings, exploring new methods, and incorporating new insights. How can we learn from these conversations, reflecting on the art so that we better communicate the heart of preaching? The 2011 Theological Symposium addressed this question. “Rediscovering the Art of Preaching” explores recent developments in homiletics, inviting participants to rediscover the art of preaching while preserving the heart of faithful proclamation.

“Welcome,” Dale Meyer

“Rediscovering the Art of Preaching,” David Schmitt

“Seeing Through the Text,” Dean Nadasdy

“Preaching the Creative Word Creatively,” Glenn Nielsen

“Resurrection Preachers,” Glenn Nielsen

“Preaching Metaphors We Live By,” Justin Rossow

“Funeral Preaching That Proclaims True Hope,” Jeffrey Gibbs

“You’re All Wet,” Dale Meyer

“Preaching and the Emerging Church,” Tony Cook

“Iconography, Exegesis, and Preaching,” Ed Grimenstein

“Shaping the Sermon,” David Schmitt

“Where’s the Beef,” David Peter

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  1. Matt Priem August 31, 2012

    Thanks for putting these up for easy access!

  2. Eric Estes September 4, 2012

    I also want to share my appreciation for these resources. Itunes U and Concordiatheology.org are a blessing to the church catholic and Missouri Synod.

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