Annual faculty booksigning, Tuesday, May 18, 2010

In what is fast becoming a graduation week tradition, Concordia Seminary will honor faculty members who have recently written or contributed to published books on Tuesday, May 18, from 4:00-6:00 p.m., at a wine and cheese reception in Koburg Hall. This year we will also toast the long-anticipated release of the new book from the Concordia Seminary Press, The American Mind Meets the Mind of Christ, essays edited by Robert Kolb.

The following books have been published by Concordia Seminary faculty in the past year:

Charles Arand: Rooted in the Faith: Preparation for Church Membership (Concordia Publishing House)

Joel Biermann: Blessed is the Man: Psalms of Divine Wisdom (Concordia Publishing House)

Robert Kolb, editor: The American Mind Meets the Mind of Christ (Concordia Seminary Press) (featuring faculty authors Joel Biermann, Robert Kolb, Leopoldo Sánchez, Joel Okamato, Dale Meyer, Reed Lessing, Paul Robinson, David Schmitt, David Lewis, and Tony Cook)

Paul Robinson: Martin Luther: A Life Reformed (Pearson)

William Schumacher: Who Do I Say that You Are? (Wipf and Stock)

“We are very pleased that members of our faculty continue to produce resources for scholarly, professional, and lay audiences,” commented William Schumacher, dean of theological research and publication. “The range of our faculty publications this year illustrates well how a vigorous life of the mind—theological scholarship—is put to work in service to the Gospel.”

All books will be available for purchase at the Concordia Seminary’s bookstore, as well as during the event. The faculty will be present for conversation and to sign books during the event.

For more information, contact Theological Research and Publications at 314-505-7114.





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