Check it Out!

The summer issue of the Concordia Journal (published by the faculty of Concordia Seminary) has just come out and its centered on the theme of “Caring for God’s Groaning Earth.”  It’s a terrific issue (of course, I am a bit biased). In addition, it provides a balance Biblical approach to the topic. It doesn’t say everything that could be said but does chart out some directions that we need to pursue. Its contents include “The Cathedral of Creation” (by President Dale Meyer), “Caring for God’s Groaning Earth” (by yours truly), Yahweh versus Marduk: Creation Theology in Isaiah 40-55” (by Dr

The rest is here:
Together with All Creatures blog: Check it Out!





One response to “Check it Out!”

  1. Concordia Theology » Together With All Chickens Avatar

    […] seems, however, that my wife has been way ahead of me theologically. The most recent issue of the Concordia Journal is our first “green” issue (topic, not cover). The lead article by […]

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