Strange coincidence? Obama talks about his faith & religious illiteracy in America

So, on the same day last week, President Obama stood in a backyard in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and gave a lengthy answer to the question “Why are you a Christian?” while the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life released the findings to its survey on Americans’ basic religious knowledge . The survey has already been discussed here and in many other places, but I’ll only point out that virtually all Americans basically flunked the test.

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Strange coincidence? Obama talks about his faith & religious illiteracy in America





2 responses to “Strange coincidence? Obama talks about his faith & religious illiteracy in America”

  1. Rodney Otto Avatar
    Rodney Otto

    I could not get the whole article…where can I find it…or how can I blog here

    I am intrigued by your title…I find Obama’s faith deeper than most and very Christian

    He has a fine line to walk as a world leader and president – I wish people would
    think about this before they criticize his faith.

    1. Admin Avatar

      Thanks for your interest and comments. I apologize that you couldn’t read the whole post. The article is hosted on STLToday’s site, and they’ve been restructuring the way they do their links. The unfortunate side effect is that our links to older articles were broken. We’re currently waiting for them to finalize the new system so we can update all our links. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. For the time being, though, here’s a link to the full article:

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