Concordia Seminary will host a Lay Bible Institute on Saturday, October 22, from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on the topic of Muslim outreach.
Muslims, like Christians, are told to convert non-Muslims to their faith. Unlike Christians, who are taught to “love one another,” and that Christ died for all, Muslims reject the divinity of Jesus and can have a deceptive and forceful approach to conversion. Because of their vigorous efforts, each year countless Christians in America are embracing Islam. This fact has serious implications for Christians and their work in proclaiming the Gospel. This Lay Bible Institute will address the present milieu and offer those attending the workshop information on various topics with regard to Islam, including what Christians need to know about the beliefs and practices of their Muslim neighbors or co-workers. All denominations are welcome to this workshop.
This workshop is being led by Rev. John Loum, who has had more than 20 years of work among Muslims in Europe, Africa, and the U.S.; Dr. Allan Buckman, who has served as a missionary in Africa and is the chairman of the Peace Center for New Americans; and Rev. Mark Weisner, pastor of Signal Hill Lutheran Church in Belleville, Ill.
View the registration form or the poster.
The cost for the Lay Bible Institute is $20. The registration deadline is October 14. To register or for more information, contact continuing education and parish services at 314-505-7486 or [email protected].
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