Losing Face[book]

No: I won’t be your “friend.” Don’t look for me on Facebook. I just left the social network, or at least that particular popular form of it. It was a lot harder than I expected. But it feels great.

I got on Facebook several years ago for one, basic, parental reason: I wanted my college-aged kids to know there were adults hanging around their social network, in the hopes that they wouldn’t post stuff they didn’t want their dad to see. Not quite like showing up uninvited at their parties, but close. And it worked, mostly.

Getting into Facebook turned out to be much easier than getting out. I think it was possible to simply “deactivate” my account (and that was the best I could do, since I couldn’t figure out how to really “erase” my account) with one click. But doing that would leave all my data in their system. So I methodically went through and deleted as much as I could get at: I left groups, “unliked” pages, untagged every picture of me that I could access. I’m pretty sure there were some tags that other users had protected, so I couldn’t get them all.

Last of all I “unfriended” everybody, turned out the light, and shut the door. Still, there seems to be a residual glow from my former Facebook life: the account is “deactivated” but not gone, and I can log in again any time. I’m not sure how of my data they still remember, store, and sell.

Why did I decide to commit Facebook “suicide”? Lots of reasons come to mind. For one thing, it started to feel like one more lagoon in a vast, sticky sea of advertising. I think at the most basic level I simply became uneasy with the sheer quantity of information about me that was “out there” and almost entirely beyond my control. It turns out that a whole boatload of information about my sex, age, relationships, likes, and dislikes is worth collecting, because there are companies who will pay real money for information like that. And Facebook is willing to sell it.

The tipping point was probably the Facebook technology that scans photos for faces and “guesses” about which ones might be me. Their computers even guess the identities of young children who do not have Facebook accounts. I figured out how to turn off the notifications of pictures that might be me, but just because they aren’t telling me doesn’t mean they aren’t identifying me in pictures that I don’t even know about.

I know that “social media” are all the craze right now, and that anyone who is serious about their business or their careers “must” use things like Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and of course Facebook. I’ve heard of people who “only” communicate by Facebook. (I’ve never met any of these people, but of course, I guess I wouldn’t if that’s the only way they communicate!) I read that there are 800 million active Facebook users. If it were a sovereign nation, Facebook would be the third largest country in the world. And only a sinister, totalitarian government would systematically collect–and use–the masses of personal information about its citizens that Facebook is designed to harvest, and profit from.

Facebook and the other social media technologies are, no doubt, useful tools for many people. I’m pretty sure most of the uses of all that information are not malicious or evil. Mark Zuckerberg (probably) doesn’t aim at world domination; he just wants to make obscene amounts of money. When I was a Facebook user, I was a consumer–and a product, since it was my information that is, for some reason that remains obscure to me, valuable to companies.

Yeah, there are internet rumors that Facebook is run by the CIA. That sounds a little crazy to me. Besides, the thought of a bunch of businesses using my personal data to keep me buying their stuff isn’t really any more appealing than the idea of Big Brother watching my every move.

I’m not a Luddite. I use email. I do much of my Christmas shopping online. I have a “smart” (sic) phone. Like most guys, I love the latest cool gadgets and the shiny new technology. But maybe because I feel its attraction, I also worry about ways technology shapes, and maybe diminishes, my life as a human creature. I’m willing to trade a global social network for my real, flesh-and-blood friends. I’m willing to give up a virtual circle of partisans whose ideas (and rants) I “like” in exchange for a few fellow sinners kneeling at the same altar. When it really matters, I want and need the real community of my fellow creatures, not a limitless network of virtual relationships.

So you can still be my friend. Drop by the office. Give me a call. Send me an email. Just don’t look for me on Facebook. Because I’m not there.





6 responses to “Losing Face[book]”

  1. Gerry Hissong Avatar
    Gerry Hissong

    I agree with Doug. I found this article because I subscribe to this site via Facebook. But I’ll give a plug to the Lutheran Witness magazine for letting us know everyone’s here. Actually, that was a link on Facebook also, from their feed.

    Technology is a tool, just like most things. Tools can be abused and misused and used sinfully at times. It doesn’t make the tool evil.

  2. Will Schumacher Avatar
    Will Schumacher

    Well, yes, this whole business is rich in irony. An un-ironic position would be absolute and clear-cut. Technology isn’t that simple! Neither is our USE of technology. A useful tool, neutral in itself, can be used for mischief: that’s true of the simplest tools like fire and sharp rocks, no less than of the most sophisticated, subtle tools (like Facebook, or even this blog site). I am trying to be more mindful, more aware of the tools I’m using, including their unintended (hidden) consequences.

  3. Marcel Kohlmeyer Avatar
    Marcel Kohlmeyer

    I totally agree with Dr. Schumacher. The various reasons he listed for getting out are the same (and there are others also) reasons why I refuse to get on board the Facebook-Mania train. I much prefer real relationships with real people. To have a real conversation without everyone else commenting on what is said (typed). I thank God that He didn’t create Facebook but created flesh and blood humans to have a relationship with. You won’t find God on Facebook but you will find God in His Word – the Word that became flesh and blood – who came to establish a real relationship with us and God. He didn’t use Facebook to do that! Have a blessed Christmas!

    1. pete Avatar

      actually, god is on facebook … ;^)

  4. Mark Cain Avatar

    Facebook is a mirror of our society and if you’re ready for the cold, hard, truth — it’s a mirror of you — and of me. Fb allows me to have shallow relationships with some people and deep relationships with others — and I have the control.

    You are worried about “face recognition” software and other tracking devices? Take my advice, smash your phone right now, and your computer (after you finish reading this of course) and never again go into the marketplace, airports, public schools, etc. According to a documentary I recently viewed on the ID network, currently in the US the average citizen is captured on video 17 times per day. The upshot of this is that you should quit being paranoid at been watched — your fears are too late!

    FB is a tool that is used by an amazing number in our culture. We can abandon that tool, the culture with it and the people in it as the Essenes or crack into the culture in a more incarnational way as demonstrated by a lone Carpenter of long ago.

  5. The Right Reverend Eric J Edwards Avatar
    The Right Reverend Eric J Edwards

    At a recent family Christmas gathering, I glanced up from my soft seat on the couch and noticed that everyone else in the room was staring at a screen of some sort. As I laughed out loud, the squinty eyes of my relatives fell upon me with looks of shock, amazement and aggravation at the interruption. I quickly picked up my phone and “Facebooked” an apology to them all. Only half of them “liked” it.
    (This is a mostly true account.)

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