Luther Scholar Oswald Bayer Lecture, March 21

Oswald Bayer, world-renowned scholar of Luther and his theology, will deliver a lecture at Concordia Seminary on March 21. Many of you will be familiar with Bayer through his writings Living by Faith: Justification and Sanctification (2003), Theology the Lutheran Way (2007), and Martin Luther’s Theology: A Contemporary Interpretation (2008).

The theme of his lecture, “A Public Mystery,” is summarized in the brochure below. The event is co-sponsored by Lutheran Quarterly as a commemoration of the 25th anniversary of that journal. The event is open to all, scheduled for the morning in order to accomodate Lenten worship schedules. All are welcome to hear the lecture and then join in worship in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus.

More information is available here.







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