Oswald Bayer Lecture Online: A Public Mystery

Last week, Concordia Seminary hosted Luther scholar Oswald Bayer’s lecture, “A Public Mystery,” co-sponsored by Lutheran Quarterly. The video of Bayer’s lecture is now available.

Leo Sanchez offered a substantial reflection on this lecture, available here.






2 responses to “Oswald Bayer Lecture Online: A Public Mystery”

  1. We Are Bold to Say… The Lord’s Prayer, Pt 7: For Thine Is the Kingdom, The Power and the Glory, For Ever and Ever. . . Amen. | Mockingbird Avatar

    […] is not without importance that Luther mentions the sinner first. These adjectives are not, argues Oswald Bayer, “accidental and incidental, but rather as essential and determinative of the essence of the […]

  2. Alvin McKerracher Avatar
    Alvin McKerracher

    Very Excellent review of our position in our time in History.

    Thanks Be To God.

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