Summer 2012 CONCORDIA JOURNAL sneak peek

The Summer 2012 Concordia Journal celebrates the 25th anniversary of Concordia Seminary’s Center for Hispanic Studies (formerly the Hispanic Institute of Theology). In addition to three articles focusing on Latino theology and ministry, the issue includes an editorial roundtable of Hispanic Lutheran leaders focusing on the contributions of Latino/Hispanic communities and theology to the Lutheran church and North American Christianity.

In anticipation, here are choice thoughts from the first and current directors of the Center for Hispanic Studies.

From Doug Groll, first director of the Hispanic Institute of Theology:

Arriving at this day has been a process of moving the contributions of the Hispanic American churches from the margins to centers of activity at the table; from the margins of educational methodology of theological education by extension to acceptance of the work of the Center as everyday operations by the greater seminary community; from the position of marginality of Hispanic American theologies to greater engagement in the current theological scene with their focal points. In this essay, I would like to share my perspectives on this move from the margins to the table as I have witnessed it over many years from my position as an Anglo Lutheran educator, administrator, and pastor-theologian.

And from the current director of the Center for Hispanic Studies, Leo Sánchez:

In this essay, I argue that this type of reflection concerning the use and reception of music in the church represents a concrete form or test case for getting at the broader question of the relationship between theology and culture. This question calls for some confessional Lutheran response and contribution, as we become a more ethnoculturally diverse church where the gifts of various cultural groups are being brought to the church. What do these gifts bring to our church, fellowship, theologizing, and proclamation? How does the Word interact with gifts of culture? When do these gifts get in the way of the gospel? When do they serve to illuminate and even embody the gospel?

You can also view a discussion between Leo Sánchez and Doug Groll right here on  And click here to check out the new website for the Center for Hispanic Studies.

To order individual issues or to subscribe to Concordia Journal, go to our online store or contact the editorial office at [email protected] or 314-505-7117. Annual subscription rates are $25.00 (individual) and $50.00 (institutional). Concordia Journal is published quarterly by the faculty of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.





4 responses to “Summer 2012 CONCORDIA JOURNAL sneak peek”

  1. Leopoldo Sanchez on Facebook Avatar

    Dedicamos este número a todos los egresados, facultad y amigos del Centro. Gracias a todos los que contribuyeron artículos, reflexiones y recensiones.

  2. Leopoldo Sanchez on Facebook Avatar

    We dedicate this number to all the alumni, faculty and friends of the Center. Thanks to all who contributed articles, reflections, and book reviews.

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