New Book by David Maxwell: Cyril of Alexandria on John


The first volume of David Maxwell’s translation of Cyril of Alexandria’s Commentary on John has just arrived. Part of IVP’s “Ancient Christian Texts” series, Maxwell’s translation of Cyril’s challenging Greek also includes a substantial introduction that describes Cyril’s goals and methods in this commentary. Maxwell argues that Cyril is using John as a basis for teaching catechists.

Maxwell will be presenting a forum on Wednesday, February 6, titled, “What is Cyril of Alexandria doing with the Bible?” He will be presenting samples of how Cyril is handling the biblical text and open discussion on how we might appropriate Cyril’s work in our teaching and theology. This is a faculty forum, but area guests are welcome to attend, at 3:45 p.m. in the President’s Room.

Volume 2 is well under way!

Here is the link to the IVP page.





4 responses to “New Book by David Maxwell: Cyril of Alexandria on John”

  1. Jeff Kloha Csl on Facebook Avatar

    This is an incredible project, and it has been fun hearing Dave complain about Cyril’s Greek for the last several years!

  2. George Naylor Avatar
    George Naylor

    I’m proud to say I often hung out with David Maxwell at seminary. He was so brilliant I almost sometimes understood what he was saying. 🙂

    Great to see a resource like this available.

  3. Matt Priem Avatar
    Matt Priem

    I like the beard.

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