“In The Word” Bible Studies


Concordia Seminary has published three free Bible Studies for use in congregations. These studies include videos, leader guides, and handouts for discussions. These studies are all available for free here on concordiatheology.org, or may be purchased as a DVD containing the videos and PDFs for offline use via our online store.

The Psalms and Life in God’s Creation

A five-part series exploring the Book of Psalms and the theme of Creation, featuring Dr. Charles Arand, Dr. Tim Saleska, and Rev. Gary Ellul.

“Who is the Greatest? (It’s Not Who You Think)”

A four-part series on Matthew 18, featuring Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs and Dr. Jeffrey Kloha.

Reaching the Summit and Holding On to Hope: 1 Corinthians 15 and the Resurrection

A five-part series on 1 Corinthians 15, featuring Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs, Dr. Jeffrey Kloha, and Rev. Gary Ellul.

Additional Bible Studies are in development now; watch for future announcements. If you have a topic or section of Scripture that you would like see a Bible study on, please contact Prof. Jeff Kloha. Request a prof, you just might get him!





4 responses to ““In The Word” Bible Studies”

  1. William Powell Avatar
    William Powell

    I am leading a bible study bu taking a book of the bible and going through the book a chapter at a time, verse by verse.
    Each verse needs a comment to explain what the verse is talking about.

    We are currently studying the book of Isaiah.

    Do you have any programs that will do this?

    Thanks for your reply.

    W. Powell

    1. Jeff Kloha Avatar
      Jeff Kloha

      We have a series on Isaiah chapter 53 coming out soon, but not anything on the entire book (which would be very, very long!). For a verse-by-verse commentary, I’d highly recommend Dr. Reed Lessing’s commentary on Isaiah 40-55, published by Concordia Publishing House. His volume on the last part of Isaiah is in the process of publication now.

  2. Concordia Theology » In The Word: Isaiah’s Ancient Songs for Today Avatar

    […] Previous Bible studies in this series are available here. […]

  3. Jose E. A. Ramirez Avatar
    Jose E. A. Ramirez

    I´m new in this but I´ll do my best to increase the knowledge about the holy word

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