Call for Papers…

2013 Theological SymposiumThe Theological Symposium committee invites proposals for open sectionals during the 24th Annual Theological Symposium, September 24-25, 2013, at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. The title is “From the Creation to the New Creation: Seeing All Things in Light of the Entire Story.”

We live in a world that has been shattered into fragments. The 20th century saw the fragmentation of art, education, politics, and society. People today live fragmented and isolated lives at work, family, home, church. Even the biblical stories we hear on Sunday are often a collection of fragments for many Christians. How do we put the pieces together? It may lie in the recovery of God’s grand story that spans from the first creation to the new creation, centered in Christ’s resurrection. This bigger picture of God’s story can help us we see how the individual pieces fit together: How do we read and preach the individual texts of Scripture as part of the grand story? How does the church fit into God’s work in the world? How do we live our individual lives of vocation as participants in this story?

For more information about the Symposium, click here.

Sectional presentations will be 45 minutes long, allowing time for questions and discussion. A paragraph abstract should be submitted to Linda Nehring via email or fax: [email protected], fax: 314-505-7393. Deadline is August 15, 2013.





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