Steven Ozment to lecture on Luther and Cranach

Cranach copy

The third Reformation500 annual speaker series at Concordia Seminary will feature Steven Ozment, McLean Professor of Ancient and Modern History at Harvard University. This year the Reformation500 event will be held on Friday afternoon, April 25 at 4:00 pm in Werner Auditorium on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Professor Ozment is well known to early Modern and Reformation historians for his wide-ranging work in intellectual and social history. Some of his important contributions include The Reformation in the Cities: The Appeal of Protestantism to Sixteenth-Century Germany and Switzerland (Yale: 1975); The Age of Reform, 1250-1550: An Intellectual and Religious History of Late Medieval and Reformation Europe. (Yale: 1980); When Fathers Ruled: Family Life in Reformation Europe (Harvard: 1983); A Mighty Fortress: A New History of the German People (HarperCollins: 2004); The Serpent and the Lamb: Cranach, Luther, and the Making of the Reformation (Yale: 2013).  This is a fine opportunity for the St. Louis community to hear and dialogue with Professor Ozment on the ongoing significance of the tumultuous century that changed Christendom forever. His lecture is entitled: “How Cranach Saved Luther: Lucas Cranach as Factor in the Reformation.”

The Center for Reformation Research and Concordia Seminary began commemorations for the Reformation Quincentenary by sponsoring an annual speaker series aimed at the St. Louis academic community to offer varying perspectives on the significance of the Reformation.  Oswald Bayer began the series in 2012 with “A Public Mystery.”  In 2013, the Office of Ecumenical and Inter-religious Affairs of the Archdiocese of St. Louis co-sponsored the event, featuring Fr. Jared Wicks, S.J. and his engaging lecture, “A Catholic Appreciation of Martin Luther for Theology and Life.”  Free admission, open to the public. For more information contact the Seminary Continuing Education office:314.505.7286; [email protected].





3 responses to “Steven Ozment to lecture on Luther and Cranach”

  1. Concordia Theology » Cranach: Luther’s Painter Avatar

    […] Cranach is near on the horizon, but since Steven Ozment will soon be at the Seminary to lecture on “How Cranach Saved Luther,” it seemed appropriate to highlight a little more information on the famous Wittenberg painter of […]

  2. Jeff Larson Avatar
    Jeff Larson

    Is there a download of this lecture available. Thanks

    1. Robert Woods Avatar
      Robert Woods

      This is on Concordia’s site at ITunes University

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