Lectionary at Lunch LIVE

LAL+For years, preachers have used and trusted Lectionary at Lunch, first as seminarians in the Emilie Walther Room, then as audio podcasts, then as Lectionary at Lunch+. But we’ve also recognized that pastors in the field haven’t had the opportunity to interact with the professors face to face, in real time.

At least not until now. To add to the family of existing resources (all of which are still available), we are launching Lectionary at Lunch Live, a weekly online video chat on one of the next week’s lectionary readings.

Starting next week (December 2), Professor Tom Egger will work through the Old Testament lessons on a weekly basis through the upcoming Winter quarter. Tune in (www.csl.edu/live) each Tuesday at 12:00 noon (Central time) to study the OT pericope for the following Sunday.

In addition, participants can submit questions and comments about the text to Prof. Egger in real time. Simply type into the “say something” text box to the right of the video, and log in with your Facebook account to use the chat feature. If you would like to submit questions to Prof. Egger prior to the video chat, email him at [email protected].

As we have done in the past, we will record each session and make it available as a podcast for future use.





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