New Books by the Faculty

2015 faculty booksigningEvery year, on the Tuesday of Commencement Week, at a book-signing reception co-sponsored by Concordia Publishing House (CPH), Concordia Seminary celebrates the writing published by the faculty (and, in some cases, staff) since the last year’s book-signing. And every year, we are amazed at the length and variety of the list.

In addition to teaching, mentoring, lectures, presentations, et al, one of the roles of a theological faculty involves the publication of articles and books. Such publishing serves at least three purposes.

First, as my colleague, Paul Raabe, once put it, publications provide a way to extend the teaching of the faculty beyond the classroom. This includes both space and time. It is a way to reach those who live outside the walls of the Seminary as well as generations yet to come.

Second, it initiates and continues conversations with other interested (and interesting) people. As such, it fosters fresh ways of looking at issues and thinking about them. Years ago, I asked Stanley Hauerwas what was the secret to his prolific output. He replied something along the lines, “reading stimulates writing.”

Finally, publications serve the purpose of edification. That is, they provide a way to encourage and model devotional reflection and prayer upon Scriptural texts and the needs of our daily lives.

All three of these purposes are evident in the various faculty publications of this past year. So, without further ado, here is the list (in alphabetical order by name), with links for purchase (where available).

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“The Story of God’s Glory: To Fill All the Earth” by Andrew Bartelt in O Povo de Deus: Estudos Teologicos em Homenagem ao Dr. Acir Raymann pelos 40 Anos no Seminario Concordia (Festschrift in honor of Acir Raymann).

Prepare Ye the Way: Daily Devotions for Advent by Andrew Bartelt.

La Carta a los Gálatas by Rodolfo Blank.

Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity, with editors Angelo DiBerardino, Thomas C. Oden, Joel Elowsky and James Hoover.

“Exodus in the Fathers” by Joel Elowsky in The Book of Exodus: Composition, Reception, and Interpretation. Supplements to Vetus Testamentum: Formation and Interpretation of Old Testament Literature 164.

La Biblia de la Reforma with general editor Hector Hoppe and translators and reviewers Marcos Kempff, Adolfo Borges Cantón, and Aurelio Magariño (all of whom teach in the Seminary’s Center for Hispanic Studies).

“Elizabeth’s Magnificat (Luke 1:46),” by Jeffrey Kloha in Texts and Traditions: Essays in Honour of J. Keith Elliott with editors Jeffrey Kloha and Peter Doble.

“The Lutheran Doctrine of Original Sin,” by Robert Kolb in Adam, the Fall, and Original Sin.

“Orders for Burial in the Sixteenth Century Wittenberg Circle,” by Robert Kolb in Gute Ordnung: Ordnungsmodelle und Ordnungsvorstellungen in der Reformationszeit.

“The ‘Three Kingdoms’ of Simon Musaeus: A Wittenberg Student Processes Luther’s Thought/Terminology” by Robert Kolb in Collaboration, Conflict, and Continuity in the Reformation. Essays in Honour of James M. Estes on his Eightieth Birthday.

“Paul Eber as Preacher” by Robert Kolb in Paul Eber (1511-1569): Humanist und Theologe der zweiten Generation der Wittenberger Reformation.

“The printer’s funeral sermon: recalling the contributions of the printer in the Wittenberg Reformation” by Robert Kolb in Studies on the German book presented to Ulrich Kopp in his retirement.

“‘[…] da jr nicht trawrig seid wie die anderen, die keine hoffnung haben. Der Gebrauch der Heiligen Schrift in Leichenpredigten der Wittenberger Reformation (1560-1600)” by Robert Kolb in Leichenpredigten als Medien der Erinnerungskultur im europäischen Kontext.

Luther’s catechisms, edited by Robert Kolb in the new edition of Die Bekenntnisschriften der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche (this is the first time a non-German scholar has edited a part of the German Book of Concord).

Commentary on John: Cyril of Alexandria (volume 2) translated by David Maxwell and edited by Joel Elowsky.

Timely Reflections: A Minute a Day by Dale Meyer.

Gospel Handles: Old Testament Lessons by Francis Rossow.

Receiver, Bearer, and Giver of God’s Spirit by Leopoldo Sánchez.

Walking the Labyrinth: A Place to Pray and Seek God by Travis Scholl.

Abiding Words: The Use of Scripture in the Gospel of John edited by Bruce Schuchard and Alicia D. Myers.

“Unbekannte Brüder. Zur Beziehung zwischen Jan Kilian und Ferdinand Walther” and “Unknown Brothers. The Relationship between Jan Kilian and Ferdinand Walther” by William Schumacher in Jan Kilian: Pastor, Poet, Emigrant.





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