A “Nearly” Perfect Continuing Education Opportunity

One hundred years ago, Concordia Seminary Professor W.H.T. Dau wrote:

“Four hundred years! As the eye sweeps down the vista of centuries, and the dim past rises into view, the mind becomes fascinated by the mighty struggles, the astonishing sacrifices, the noble faith of a heroic age. At first, the world seems out of joint and a new chaos impending. But out of the confusion there rises new order. Conquering truth stands triumphant on the battle-field. Owing to the folly and malice of men its coming was a challenge and the signal for war. It will always be thus: the assertion of truth spells strife in a world in which all men are liars. The spirit of Luther is marching on, leading to new victories…” (from Four Hundred Years: Commemorative Essays on the Reformation of Dr. Martin Luther and Its Blessed Results)

The 28th annual Theological Symposium at Concordia Seminary St. Louis will address the theme, The Just Will Live by Faith: The Reformation Word of Life Then and Now. “Justification” was the watchword 500 years ago as Luther sought to restore Christian hope and consolation to troubled sinners, to an ambivalent church, and to a disjointed, chaotic world.

As we celebrate Reformation 500 we turn our attention again to “justification.” What does this powerful word mean in exegetical, systematic, historical and practical perspectives? How must the church use it today to address the deepest needs of human existence and restore hope and consolation to troubled sinners? What will it mean for the mission of our congregations in these confusing, chaotic, post-modern times? As we address these questions our commemoration of the Reformation will become more than a celebration of our history and rich heritage but an opportunity to equip ourselves for the ongoing and future task of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Plenary speakers and their topics will include:

  • Mark Seifrid, professor of Exegetical Theology at Concordia Seminary, “Christ and Justification in Romans”
  • David Maxwell, professor of Systematic Theology, Concordia Seminary, “Justification in the Early Church”
  • Erik Herrmann, associate professor of Historical Theology and director of the Center for Reformation Research, Concordia Seminary, “Justification in the Reformation”
  • Mark Mattes, chairman of the Department of Theology, Grand View University, Des Moines, Iowa, “Luther on Justification: Relevant or Irrelevant?”
  • John Koch, rector of St. Francis in the Fields, Louisville, Ky., “Law, Gospel, and Guns N’ Roses: How the English Reformation is Still Speaking Today”

Numerous sectionals also will be presented by Concordia Seminary faculty and staff as well as guest speakers that will address how to apply this learning to congregational life and ministry.

A buffet dinner and the Home Brew Fair, an evening of quality beer tastings from local home brewers, is included in the cost of full registration.

In addition, participants are invited to arrive on campus a day early for the LCMS Foundation Golf Tournament Monday, Sept 18. The event includes a complimentary golf tournament at Highlands Golf and Tennis Center. Space is limited for this event.

Parts of the Symposium will be available via live stream. Live stream access is $80 and includes the introduction, the plenary speakers, and three select sectionals. To purchase live stream access, visit www.csl.edu/symposium.

Great scholarship…mission training…practical ideas for ministry…renewing old friendships and making new ones…free golf…good food…quality home brew…all make this symposium a “nearly” perfect opportunity for continuing education. Make your reservations today.

For more information, please contact Continuing Education at 314-505-7286 or [email protected].





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