Word and Work: Serving the Poor

In the first half of Word and Work: An Intersection, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis President Dr. Dale A. Meyer visits with Rev. John Suguitan, pastor of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, about the congregation’s emphasis on serving the poor and the homeless. In the second half of the program, we hear meditations on “Grace Alone” and “Faith Alone” from Professors Leopoldo A. Sanchez M. and Erik Herrmann from the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation Service held on campus in 2017.

This particular episode is available only as audio, which can be heard or downloaded at the Word and Work Scholar page.

Word and Work: An Intersection is a video and audio program providing a behind-the-scenes look at ministry where everyday life and God’s Word meet. It is broadcast on KFUO Radio every Thursday at 2:00 pm CT.






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