Call for Papers: Theological Symposium (Sept. 17–18, 2019)

The Theological Symposium committee invites proposals for open sectionals during the 30th Annual Theological Symposium, September 17–18, 2019, at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

PLEASE NOTE: We are making the call for papers early this year to allow more time to circulate and publicize the sectionals, as well the opportunity for participants to pre-register for sectionals. We hope to make this the regular schedule moving forward.

Beginning in February 2019, check the Symposium webpage for updates, but here is the title and description of the 2019 theme:

Devoted: (Re)forming the Devotional Life

The devotional life. What is it? For some, the language of devotion evokes the picture of a person in quiet solitude, reading and meditating on a short text of Scripture followed by prayer. That image of the devotional life is beautiful, but it is also rather recent, made possible especially by widespread literacy and religious publications. Throughout its history, the church has been home to lives of devotion that are often much more varied and complex. This symposium will explore what it means to be devoted, (re)forming our devotional lives into lives of devotion, and ultimately equipping God’s people to encounter the challenges of our contemporary culture with the depths of God’s word and the breadth of his work.

Submissions may be on this topic or a topic of the author’s interest.

Sectional presentations are 45 minutes long, allowing time for questions and discussion. A paragraph abstract should be submitted to Erika Bennett via email ([email protected]) or fax (314-505-7393).

Deadline is Friday, January 18, 2019. DEADLINE EXTENDED to FEBRUARY 15, 2019.





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