Word and Work: Parents with Prodigals

In Word and Work: An Intersection, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis President Dr. Dale A. Meyer interviews Paula Isakson about her organization, “Faith Family Reunion,” which provides encouragement and provides resources for parents who raised their children in the Lutheran church but whose children have left the church and their faith (prodigals). Read more about Faith Family Reunion.

In the program’s second half, listen to a chapel sermon by Seminary Professor Dr. Erik Herrmann given on the commemoration day for Johannes von Staupitz, Martin Luther’s father confessor. Later in the program, Seminary Professor Dr. David Schmitt and Herrmann break down the sermon in a “Preacher’s Studio” segment.

This particular episode is available only in an audio version, which can be heard or downloaded at the Word and Work Scholar page.

Word and Work: An Intersection is a video and audio program providing a behind-the-scenes look at ministry where everyday life and God’s Word meet. It is broadcast on KFUO Radio every Thursday at 2:00 pm CT.






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