Call for Papers: Theological Symposium (Sept. 22–23, 2020)

The Theological Symposium committee invites proposals for open sectionals during the 31st Annual Theological Symposium, September 22–23, 2020, at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

PLEASE NOTE: We are making the call for papers early to allow more time to circulate and publicize the sectionals, as well the opportunity for participants to pre-register for sectionals.

Beginning in February 2020, check the Theological Symposium webpage for updates, but here is the current title and description of the 2020 theme:

“Whatever is Lovely…”: The Role of Beauty in Theology and Ministry

The church has had a long and restless relationship with beauty and the arts. Sometimes the celebration of beauty was eagerly embraced and relics of this history surround us—soaring church arches, shining windows, carved figures, fugues, poetry of praise and piety. But beauty has also been deemed excessive, unnecessary, and even idolatrous. How can we receive and encourage the place of beauty and the arts so our preaching and piety more fully reflect the love and creativity of God?

The 2020 Theological Symposium will explore the possibilities of beauty for the life of the Church and its witness in a world that still groans for its redemption. Plenaries and sectionals will offer up various ways that the arts can enrich ministry, inspire hope, and surprise with joy.

Submissions may be on this topic or a topic of the author’s interest.

Sectional presentations are 45 minutes long, allowing time for questions and discussion. A paragraph abstract should be submitted to Erika Bennett via email ([email protected]) or fax (314-505-7393).

Deadline is Friday, February 14, 2020.





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