New Lenten Sermon Series Now Available

There is no denying that there’s a lot of talk about nationality, race, and ethnicity in our country these days. Both the left and the right have their talking points and agendas. But how do the Scriptures address these kinds of issues? And what can the church say without descending into partisan politics?

“Lent for All Nations” will examine characters in the New Testament and their explicitly named nationalities and ethnicities, because even these little details point us to Christ and teach us to love our neighbors. While it may be more obvious to consider the importance of Pontius Pilate’s or the Good Samaritan’s countries of origin, why do the Gospel writers want us to know that the Simon who carried Jesus’s cross hailed from Cyrene?

Written by Dr. Ben Haupt, the series will offer well-researched, exegetical sermons that focus hearers’ eyes on Jesus in new ways. Materials like the CTCR documents on racism and immigration as well as other materials will be offered for further reading. By partnering with Mission Nation Publishing, there will also be opportunities to give thanks for the global church today by looking at modern missionaries who have come from various lands to North America to share the love of Jesus.

“Lent for All Nations” is available for download at Concordia Seminary’s online store:

Anyone who is registered for the Pre-Lenten Workshop will receive the series as part of their registration:

Pre-Lenten Workshop





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