Prayer for the Election of a New Seminary President

This coming Saturday, May 16, the electors will be electing the 11th president of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, in a special meeting of the Board of Regents. We would like to invite the whole church to pray for Concordia Seminary as this important milestone is taken. Our Dean of Chapel Dr. Kent Burreson has prepared the following prayer (in collect or petition form) which you may wish to include in your Prayer of the Church for this coming Sunday, May 10:

“You are the Source of Wisdom and Light, O Lord. Through Your Son Jesus Christ, the firstborn from the dead, all things unite in truth, beauty, and goodness for Your coming reign and the church’s life. Fill the electors of Concordia Seminary’s new president with the knowledge of Your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding. May this knowledge and wisdom guide them to choose a president who will lead the Seminary with humility as it teaches the way of the Lord to the church’s future servants; through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.”

“For the election of a new president for Concordia Seminary, that the Lord of Wisdom and Light may guide the electors with all spiritual wisdom and understanding toward selecting a president who will lead the seminary with humility as it teaches the church’s future servants. Lord in Your mercy; hear our prayer.”





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