2022 Pre-Lenten Workshop Videos

On Friday, January 21, 2022, Dr. Jeff Gibbs, Professor Emeritus of Exegetical Theology led Concordia Seminary’s annual Pre-Lenten Workshop on his new sermon series, “You Meant if for Evil, But God Meant it for Good.”

Regarding the workshop, Dr. Gibbs remarked that it was, “most importantly a genuine opportunity to hear and study and be refreshed by the Scriptures,” and to gain “additional insights toward the goal of preaching afresh from Luke’s ‘Christ-centered melody.’” The videos also give further background into the important exegetical decisions that Dr. Gibbs made in preparation of the sermon series, showing at crucial moments how his exegesis “moves from A to B” into the final form of the sermon themselves. 

The video recordings of the live online sessions are available to view below.

Dr. Gibbs sermon series is available here:



Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4






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