Two Kinds of Righteousness – Dr. Robert Kolb

“Tangible: Theology Learned and Lived” explores the ways in which theology permeates all aspects of life. Through conversations with our faculty, we will challenge you to deepen your theology and live out your faith in Christ. We’ll talk with a variety of professors on a variety of topics – something different in every episode, but all pointing to the intersection between faith and daily life. It’s tangible: theology learned and lived.

In this week’s episode we talked with Dr. Robert Kolb about the difference between the righteousness we receive through Christ and the righteousness the world sees in our acts of obedience to Christ. This distinction permeates Lutheran theology and the understanding of our identity.

“At the end of the day…Christians should think, first of all that they’re children of God, and then they should reflect on how they performed. And that will drive each one of us to repentance and to faith.” Dr. Robert Kolb

You can read more in Dr. Kolb’s recent publication “The Alien and the Proper: Luther’s Two-Fold Righteousness in Controversy, Ministry, and Citizenship” available from 1517 Publishing.





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