Fourth Sunday in Advent

  1. Welcome to Lectionary Kick-start!

Each week Jessica Bordeleau hosts Dr. Peter Nafzger and Dr. David Schmitt in a discussion about the lectionary texts for the upcoming Sunday. The texts for the fourth Sunday in Advent, December 24th are 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16, Psalm 89:1-5 (19-29), Romans 16:25-27, and Luke 1:26-38.

Each Monday a new episode will be available here, CSL Scholar, and across all major podcast platforms. Check it out!





One response to “Fourth Sunday in Advent”

  1. Michael Gibney Avatar

    Hey Jessica, Peter, and David!

    I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy These podcasts and how helpful they are to me. The Advent series was a great food for thought for four sermons. I just wanted to share the titles:

    The series was called: The History Maker Is Coming:

    Advent One: The History Maker Is Coming: {Roused}
    Advent Two: The History Maker Is Coming: {Redirect}
    Advent Three: The History Maker Is Coming: {Rejoice}
    Advent Four: The History Maker Is Coming: {Reveal}

    Thanks for your help! This is my favorite of lectionary discussions!

    Pastor Mike Gibney
    Absolution Lutheran Church
    Denham Springs, Louisiana

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