Women in the Genealogy of Jesus – Dr. David Lewis and Dr. Joel Okamoto

“Tangible: Theology Learned and Lived” explores the ways in which theology permeates all aspects of life. Through conversations with our faculty, we will challenge you to deepen your theology and live out your faith in Christ. We’ll talk with a variety of professors on a variety of topics – something different in every episode, but all pointing to the intersection of faith and daily life. It’s tangible: theology learned and lived.

In this episode we’ll talk with Dr. David Lewis, professor of exegetical theology and Dr. Joel Okamoto, professor of systematic theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. We’ll explore the significance of the five women listed in the genealogy of Jesus and the larger message their inclusion signals. In Matthew’s Gospel, they are the first in a series of outcasts that Jesus draws into his church. “When you read the genealogy and see those women, it’s not really obvious why they’re there… it’s kind of a slow reveal.” Dr. Lewis

You can find more episodes of “Tangible: Theology Learned and Lived” across all major podcast platforms and on CSL Scholar. Check it out!





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