Call for Papers: Theological Symposium (Sept. 18-19, 2018)

The Theological Symposium committee invites proposals for open sectionals during the 29th Annual Theological Symposium, September 18-19, 2018, at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

Check the Symposium webpage for updates, but here is the title and description of this year’s theme:


“The cross of Christ is the only way of instruction in the Word of God, and the only true theology.” (Martin Luther, 1519)

The cross has always stood at the center of the Christian faith, but what does it really mean to have a cross-centered theology, cross-centered pastoral care, or a cross-centered life? Neither a morbid obsession with death nor a dispirited resignation to suffering, to preach “nothing but Christ crucified” (St. Paul) or to be a “theologian of the cross” (Luther) is to set forth the central vision and lens by which we see our life and witness in the world. Through Christ’s death and by the strength of his resurrection, we are placed into a new relationship to both our sin and our piety, to God and our neighbor, to blessings and sufferings, to hope, happiness, joy and peace. Come learn about the many ways in which the cross and resurrection change everything!

Submissions may be on this topic or a topic of the author’s interest.

Although it is not the focus of the symposium per se, the theme does recognize that 2018 marks the 500th anniversary of the Heidelberg Disputation, where Martin Luther laid out his theses regarding the theology of the cross.

Sectional presentations are 45 minutes long, allowing time for questions and discussion. A paragraph abstract should be submitted to Erika Bennett via email ([email protected]), or fax (314-505-7393). Deadline is July 16, 2018.





4 responses to “Call for Papers: Theological Symposium (Sept. 18-19, 2018)”

  1. Eric Zacharias Avatar
    Eric Zacharias

    So, do you have a list of the presentations or are you still seeking submissions for the symposium?

  2. Eric Zacharias Avatar
    Eric Zacharias

    My mss, “In This Conquer,” will be published in LOGIA’s October edition. It tells how the Church was very conscious of the way the cross of Jesus was portrayed through the ages. A history of the cross shows a progression of change by 500 year increments, where for the first 500 years the Church showed emblems of the cross but no Jesus, then Jesus above the cross but not victorious over it, then finally, Jesus on the cross, with various degrees of suffering. The thesis is that the Church has used the cross confessionally and conventionally, with an eye to what is acceptable and commendable. Luther was raised in the era when the crucifix was the standard usage, but he also was aware the the Reformation meant the crucifix, along with all the trappings of the church was dispensable; but as for the crucifix he still saw a message of the Christ whose suffering and death means victory for all who look to him in their time of need.

  3. Richard Bringewatt Avatar
    Richard Bringewatt

    Why is this invitation to submit papers to a 2018 event still being posted now, in January of 2020?

    1. Travis Scholl Avatar
      Travis Scholl

      Like most blog sites, we do not delete old posts, but leave them on the site for the sake of historical record. If you are looking for the current call for papers for the 2020 Theological Symposium, it is available here:

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