A Meditation on Earthquakes

A Meditation on Earthquakes

A Meditation on Earthquakes

Two big earthquakes recently hit, one in Taiwan (7.4) and one on the east coast centered in New Jersey (4.8). This provides the opportunity to think about earthquakes from a biblical perspective. What does an earthquake mean? It means that human creatures are not in total control of planet earth. Earthquakes are neither caused by ..

Reformation Sunday

Reformation Sunday

Reformation Sunday

Spark your thoughts for October 29, 2023! Tune in to “Lectionary Kick-start” for a discussion about the texts for Reformation Sunday and the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost

Psalm 46_1a

Psalm 46_1a

Psalm 46 is the Psalm for Reformation Day. The Law/Gospel theme is chaos and anxiety versus peace and comfort

Psalm 46_1

Psalm 46_1

Psalm 46 is the Psalm for Reformation Day and the basis of Luther’s hymn, A Might Fortress. The Law/Gospel theme is shaking in judgment versus refuge in the stability of God

The Bible as literature: the King James, Psalm 46, and Shakespeare

The Bible as literature: the King James, Psalm 46, and Shakespeare

The Bible as literature: the King James, Psalm 46, and Shakespeare

The “Chandos portrait” of Shakespeare Last night I taught our first class in a course entitled “The Bible as Literature” in Wash U’s University College . So don’t be surprised if there’s a few posts here over the next weeks with that title before the colon. One of my basic theses for the course is that perhaps the most foundational event in the history of English-speaking literature was the translation of the Bible into the Authorized Version, otherwise known as the “King James.” Shakespeare is a very close second. To illustrate my point, we played a famous little game with the King James version of Psalm 46