2021 Pre-Lenten Workshop Videos
Tom Egger led a two-part workshop on his Lenten sermon series, “O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High.”
In Memoriam: Carl Schalk (1929–2021)
James Brauer remembers the life of one of the church’s great composers.
The Life of Prayer
Rev. Michael Coppersmith talks about the connections between prayer, God’s Word, and the work of the Holy Spirit.
ICYMI: Leopoldo Sánchez on Migration and Mission
Dr. Sánchez presented “Theological Approaches to Migration: Their Impact on Missional Thinking and Action” as part of Fuller Seminary’s Missiology Lectures series.
“Life in the Key of God”
Heather Choate Davis talks about her journey into the beauty and grace of making music.
ICYMI: Robert Kolb on Christian Freedom
Two video lectures on Martin Luther’s classic “On Christian Freedom.”
Faith at the Movies
Organizers of this year’s online Faith and Film Festival discuss how movies embody religious and spiritual themes.
New Creation
The sainted Robert Hoerber reflects on what is “new” in a calendar year…and a life.