The Multiethnic Symposium committee invites proposals for open sectionals during the annual Multiethnic Symposium, May 3-4, 2022, at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. The theme of…
Letter To Self … 40 years later
Editor’s Note: For this year’s Profs ‘n Stein, the students suggested that professors write a letter to their 25-year-old selves to read to the group.…
ICYMI: The Rites of Faith Formation
Kent Burreson’s latest thoughts on faith formation, the adult catechumenate, and congregational education.
Conversations in Preaching: A New Book Series
We are delighted to announce that Concordia Seminary Press has launched a new series on homiletics entitled “Conversations in Preaching.” Dr. David Schmitt, the series…
When Talking with Non-Lutherans
(Editors Note: Paul R. Raabe is Professor Emeritus at Concordia Seminary and Professor in Biblical Studies at Grand Canyon University) Someone asked me how to…
Christ Centered Counseling … and Justification
Rick Marrs talks with David Loy about the connections between Christian counseling, justification, and the distinction between law and gospel.
How Lutheran Hymns Lost Their Monopoly in the Missouri Synod
An opinion piece by Paul Raabe on what happened to traditional hymns in American Christianity.
In Memoriam: Richard H. Warneck
Remembering the life and ministry of Concordia Seminary Professor Emeritus Richard Warneck (1935–2021).
The Artist Behind the New Stained Glass
Dale Meyer talks with Rich Buswell, the artist who designed the new windows in Concordia Seminary’s Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus.