Articles written by the faculty and staff of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
Word and Work: Two Seminary Presidents Walk into a Bar…
President Dale A. Meyer chats with his counterpart at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Ind., Dr. Lawrence Rast.
Word and Work: Doing Theology at Auschwitz
Seminarian Paul Flo talks about his study fellowship at the famous concentration camp.
Word and Work: Reaching Millennials
Mark Kiessling discusses the findings of a recent survey on millennials and young adults.
Word and Work: Talking Church Structures and Congregational Ministry
Dr. Dale A. Meyer sits down with Dr. Brian Saunders, LCMS district president.
Good Beer is Likely a Mortal Sin
The following is from a “soapbox” talk at the Student Association’s “Prof n’ Stein,” a regular convivial gathering of students and professors for the sake of…
Word and Work: How Christians Can Engage Politics
Joel Biermann discusses his book Wholly Citizens with Dale Meyer.
Word and Work: Forming Faith Today
“Word and Work: An Intersection” is a new video and audio program providing a behind-the-scenes look at ministry where everyday life and God’s Word meet.
The Cross As/In Art
The cross, as artistic symbol, is all around us. What does this mean?