Symposium Preview: Sectionals
A wide range of speakers exploring answers not only to “What does this mean?” but “How is this done?”
Symposium Preview: Special Events
Golf, home brew, alumni reunions…and JIM VOELZ doing what he does best.
Symposium Preview: Worship
Oratio, Meditatio, Tentatio…part of life together during this year’s Theological Symposium (Sept 19-20, 2017).
Racism, Dealing with It
In light of Charlottesville (and the numerous tragedies before it), a word from Leo Sanchez.
The Great American Eclipse – Bible Study
A Bible study on “our creaturely sense of wonder” to mark this once-every-century event.
Why Are Others Reading Luther More than Many Lutherans?
Martin Luther’s thought offers more than Lutherans are perhaps even aware of.
ICYMI: An Atheist Likes Learning about the Reformation
Reformation 500 documentary premieres at St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase.
Filming “Martin Luther”
Erik Herrmann discusses his role on the set of the documentary “Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World.”
Low Seminary Enrollments
Dale Meyer on a pastoral shortage and the future of the church…from the Summer 2017 CONCORDIA JOURNAL.