Articles written by the faculty and staff of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
Jesus as Human Male: The Latest Controversy
Mark Driscoll thinks Jesus was a cage-fighter. What does this mean?
Hot off the Press! Read the intro to the new book INVITING COMMUNITY
Get a sneak peek at the new collection of essays from Concordia Seminary Press.
A Response to Dr. Jeff Kloha’s “Text and Authority”
By Dr. Martin R. Noland, Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church, Evansville, IN Introduction A number of people have contacted me since early December about my opinion…
Toward Fruitful Conversation: Follow-up from “Listening to God’s Word”
A symposium on biblical interpretation and approaches to studying the Scriptures was held at the Lutherische Theologische Hochschule, Oberursel (the seminary of the LCMS partner…
Open Forum with Robert Benne, Charles Arand, and Leo Sánchez
“The Gospel and Our Common Witness in the Public Square,” an open forum between the LCMS and NALC on December 16, 2013, at Concordia Seminary,…
FAQ #6 on Luther’s Two Kinds of Righteousness
The sixth video in a series of FAQs on Luther’s two kinds of righteousness: How can parish pastors make use of the distinction of two…
FAQ #5 on Luther’s Two Kinds of Righteousness
The fifth video in a series of FAQs on Luther’s two kinds of righteousness: How did the distinction of two kinds of righteousness get revived…
FAQ #4 on Luther’s Two Kinds of Righteousness
The fourth video in a series of FAQs on Luther’s two kinds of righteousness: How does the distinction of two kinds of righteousness help clarify…
Reflections on “Listening to the Word,” Part 1
We don’t need to be – and really can’t afford to be — independent islands, working only in our own contexts, cultures, and circles.