Call for Papers: Theological Symposium (Sept. 18-19, 2018)
“The Cross Alone Is Our Theology!” is this year’s theme.
ICYMI: The New York Times on Bach’s Bible
What we can learn about Bach’s faith from his Bible.
ICYMI: Glenn Nielsen on Preaching
Exploring how to apply God’s Word into people’s lives.
Reformation 500 Service Meditations
Peter Nafzger, Leo Sanchez, Erik Herrmann, and Dale Meyer reflect on four “solas” of the Reformation.
Regarding the Editorial Process for the Concordia Journal
In light of the Summer 2017 issue of the Concordia Journal.
Regarding the Article by Dr. John Jurchen in Concordia Journal
We have received the following letters from the Rev. Richard Snow, President of the Nebraska District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, and Dr. John Jurchen, Associate…
ICYMI: Matthew Harrison, “Concerning the Six-Day Creation”
Our synodical president offers theological reflections on the creation debates.
ICYMI: Joel Elowsky on urban life and the church fathers
The parallels to life in our own times are profound.
New Continuing Education Opportunity…in the Holy Land!
Deepen your faith and ministry by walking the steps of the Scriptures.