Robert Kolb to Speak at Concordia Seminary on “Luther’s Fiercest Foes”
In celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation this year, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis will host the final lecture in the REFORMATION500 Speaker Series at…
Coming to a town near you: LAUDAMUS choir
Tour stops planned in Nebraska, Colorado, New Mexico, and Missouri this spring.
Winter Lay Bible Institute set for Feb. 4, 2017
One-day class with Prof. Erik Herrmann to examine the lasting impact of Martin Luther.
Multiethnic Symposium – January 24-25, 2017
In celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the 2017 Multiethnic Symposium will examine the various ways in which the Reformation message has crossed…
Bach at the Sem schedule announced for 2016-17 academic year
The season opens on Sunday, Dec. 11, at Concordia Seminary’s Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus.
Call for Papers: Theological Symposium (Sept 20-21, 2016)
Seeking best practices and sectional ideas on the topic of catechesis and faith formation.
Registration opens for the 27th annual Theological Symposium
Sept. 20-21, 2016, event focuses on catechesis.
Summer Lay Bible Institute set for Aug. 6, 2016
Charles Arand will lead a theme focusing on the wonders of God’s creation.
Prospective students invited to Next Steps at Concordia Seminary
Free event on campus July 8-9. Registration required by June 15.